My sweet sweet boys, we had such a busy day today and you guys were fantastic. We spent most of the morning at the children's clinic and Dr C's office, went home for lunch, had a phone conference with Nick's teacher (he was bit by another student at recess) and then Keagan had his speech evaluation and between all of these I was making lots of phone calls about Taevon and advocating for Keagan and Aaron. Whew I am exhausted already and we still have so much to squeeze in before dinner, bath time and bedtime.
Keagan had his four year check up today with Dr C this morning. He did so well and followed directions better than he has in a long time. He is 40 inches tall (was 36 7/8 @ 3 yrs old) and weighs 37 pounds (weighed 31 3/4 @ 3 yrs old) He is in the 49% for height and the 55% for weight. We talked about his behaviors and tantrums and if there was something else we needed to do. We just need to keep doing what we are doing. Due to the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and the damage to his frontal lobe from the stroke he has little to no impulse control. We just need to keep him on a routine and be very consistent with him. He is such a sweet little boy and is my special helper. He is looking forward to Taevon coming home and asks about him daily.
Aaron had labs, was seen at the children's clinic and saw Dr C.. He is such a trooper. He hates to have his labs drawn. It takes a lot of people to hold him down and it is the worst feeling ever. Every once in awhile I am able to rub his head, but I talk to him constantly. He is so loved in the lab. Everyone always pokes their heads in to say "hi" to him. Once he knows he is done he smiles and waves the whole way out. Dr C saw him this morning and Aaron had lost 2 pounds., He now weighs 38 pounds 2 ounces (was 40 pounds 5 ounces). He has not been eating or drinking because he has a cold. His ears and everything else looked good so he will be seen again in a few weeks. unless he continues not to eat and drink.
He is such a big boy. He has learned to put his legs in his pants and we are currently working on pulling them up. I can't believe how far he has come in such a short time. He is amazing!
Keagan had his speech evaluation, but we have to go back Thursday to finish. He gave it his best but it was a very long morning.
My precious Taevon, I can't wait until you are home. I am fighting so hard to make people do their jobs and to follow through with their commitments so you can come home. I can't believe that Indiana Mentor lost their license. Now we are needing to start over with a different agency. At least we know our new caseworker and she is awesome. Hopefully it will only be a few more months. It seems like it has already been forever, but you will be home soon.
I have been advocating for the boys ever since they came home. It is hard to believe that some parents accept the standards they have in place for special needs children. My children deserve the same quality in education as Nicholas receives. It drives me crazy to be told over and over that the other parents are ok with the standards and amount of therapy their children receive. It is NOT ok with me and my kids deserve better. I have actually heard a parent say "i am glad they are getting some therapy because I just don't have the time or the know how" REALLY?? My kids are my whole world. My life has totally changed since Nicholas, Keagan and Aaron and I love every minute. We do therapy all day everyday. The things I need to do, I do after they go to bed. Nothing like grocery shopping a 9pm!. The little amount of therapy these special kids receive is small. They need to practice their skills everyday and as often as possible. I am not a therapist but I have watched, videotaped and taken notes so I can do the therapy at home. These amazing children deserve so much more and I intend on my kids receiving all that they deserve. And I can only hope and pray that other parents start putting more effort into their kids. I am off to get Nicholas from the bus stop and then it is homework, project time, free time, dinner bath reading and bedtime. I love my crazy life ;)
I love these boys!!!