Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My sweet sweet boys, we had such a busy day today and you guys were fantastic. We spent most of the morning at the children's clinic and Dr C's office, went home for lunch, had a phone conference with Nick's teacher (he was bit by another student at recess) and then Keagan had his speech evaluation and between all of these I was making lots of phone calls about Taevon and advocating for Keagan and Aaron. Whew I am exhausted already and we still have so much to squeeze in before dinner, bath time and bedtime.

Keagan had his four year check up today with Dr C this morning. He did so well and followed directions better than he has in a long time. He is 40 inches tall (was 36 7/8 @ 3 yrs old) and weighs 37 pounds (weighed 31 3/4 @ 3 yrs old) He is in the 49% for height and the 55% for weight. We talked about his behaviors and tantrums and if there was something else we needed to do. We just need to keep doing what we are doing. Due to the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and the damage to his frontal lobe from the stroke he has little to no impulse control. We just need to keep him on a routine and be very consistent with him. He is such a sweet little boy and is my special helper. He is looking forward to Taevon coming home and asks about him daily.

Aaron had labs, was seen at the children's clinic and saw Dr C.. He is such a trooper. He hates to have his labs drawn. It takes a lot of people to hold him down and it is the worst feeling ever. Every once in awhile I am able to rub his head, but I talk to him constantly. He is so loved in the lab. Everyone always pokes their heads in to say "hi" to him. Once he knows he is done he smiles and waves the whole way out. Dr C saw him this morning and Aaron had lost 2 pounds., He now weighs 38 pounds 2 ounces (was 40 pounds 5 ounces). He has not been eating or drinking because he has a cold. His ears and everything else looked good so he will be seen again in a few weeks. unless he continues not to eat and drink.

He is such a big boy. He has learned to put his legs in his pants and we are currently working on pulling them up. I can't believe how far he has come in such a short time. He is amazing!

Keagan had his speech evaluation, but we have to go back Thursday to finish. He gave it his best but it was a very long morning.

My precious Taevon, I can't wait until you are home. I am fighting so hard to make people do their jobs and to follow through with their commitments so you can come home. I can't believe that Indiana Mentor lost their license. Now we are needing to start over with a different agency. At least we know our new caseworker and she is awesome. Hopefully it will only be a few more months. It seems like it has already been forever, but you will be home soon.

I have been advocating for the boys ever since they came home. It is hard to believe that some parents accept the standards they have in place for special needs children. My children deserve the same quality in education as Nicholas receives. It drives me crazy to be told over and over that the other parents are ok with the standards and amount of therapy their children receive. It is NOT ok with me and my kids deserve better. I have actually heard a parent say "i am glad they are getting some therapy because I just don't have the time or the know how" REALLY?? My kids are my whole world. My life has totally changed since Nicholas, Keagan and Aaron and I love every minute. We do therapy all day everyday. The things I need to do, I do after they go to bed. Nothing like grocery shopping a 9pm!. The little amount of therapy these special kids receive is small. They need to practice their skills everyday and as often as possible. I am not a therapist but I have watched, videotaped and taken notes so I can do the therapy at home. These amazing children deserve so much more and I intend on my kids receiving all that they deserve. And I can only hope and pray that other parents start putting more effort into their kids. I am off to get Nicholas from the bus stop and then it is homework, project time, free time, dinner bath reading and bedtime. I love my crazy life ;)
                                                                  I love these boys!!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Soccer Saturdays

Keagan loves to to play soccer. He practices everyday at home. He just started a new session and is really doing well. He likes that he remembers a lot of the games and he is really improving on his skills. These practices are really helping him learn to process and follow 2 step directions. Two of his caoches are from other countries. Oscar is from Australia and Aaron (Keagan's favorite coach) is from England. Keagan likes to imitate Aaron's accent. It is so funny.

Keagan and one of his coaches

Keagan loves the tunnel at the end of each practice. He looks forward to this all week.

Now Keagan has been telling us that he wants to play football. He said " I now a big boy I play football and run real fast"  He is adorable!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Snowmen and Penguins

Tonight was Nick's Winterfest. It was such a cute program. The kids sang three songs Winter Fun, Penguin Polka and Snowflake. They had made their own little costumes and they were adorable. The first song they were snowmen.

During the last two songs they were penguins.

After they were done singing we got to go to four different stations. They had a craft station and we made a snowman door hanger. After that we went to a writing station where Nick wrote how our family was unique .He wrote the Fitch family is unigue because we do different things. I go to school, Keagan takes naps and Aaron is blind. Then we got to play a few games of Bingo and play Charades. We ended the night with stories, milk and cookies. It was a great evening and Nicholas loved the one on one time. It was fun to see Nicholas interact with all of his friends I still can't believe that he is in Kindergarten. Time is going so fast

Monday, January 23, 2012

Crazy Days

School days are crazy around here. I have to get three kids ready in 45 minutes. That includes a bath for Aaron, breakfast for all three and getting them all dressed. I load them up in the jeep and we are off to the bus stop. Nicholas is picked up at 7:28am  and Aaron has to be to school at 8am. Add in all of the therapy and drs appointments and I am exhausted at the end of the day. I wouldn't change a minute of my crazy life. I love every minute of it. Honestly, I would love to have a huge house and lots more kids. Nothing is better than having a house full of happy and giggling kids. I can't get enough of their hugs and kisses and all those baby giggles.

cookies for dessert tonight!
looking like the joker! They loved the red icing!

Today has had some added stress. I knew I would need to fight to get Taevon what he needed I just didn't realize it would start before he got here. Indiana Mentor is closing their Fort Wayne office and they think it is ok to tell us to go somewhere else to finish our adoption process. WRONG! They are going to see this contract through and Taevon is going to be home soon. It breaks my heart to think that people don't realize how special and absolutely amazing these children are.They are no different than any other child and they deserve the same treatment. All of my kids are aware of what goes on around them. To have people think that special needs children don't know any different or that they don't need to be treated the same drives me crazy. To hear the things people say is gut wrenching. These are children and they deserved to be loved and treated like any other child. To hear people say "well someone has got to love them" like they aren't worthy of it breaks my heart. All of my kids are miracles and I love every one of them. I wish everyone would take the time to get to know Aaron. He is the sweetest little boy and he has the best sense of humor. He can communicate and he loves to be held and rocked. He know lots of signs and makes his needs and wants known. Everyone that has taken the time to get to know him is surprised at how well he interacts with others. He is a special little boy and I have learned so much from him.

I love this little angel!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Sweet Boys

Today Aaron was finally feeling well enough to go to church. They looked so cute waiting to leave this morning.

They were all so good. Keagan and Aaron loved the music. Keagan danced and clapped all morning. Aaron smiled, giggled and clapped with the music. Keagan and Nicholas went to Sunday school and had a great time.

Aaron was in a great mood all day. I love his laugh and his smile melts my heart!

Nicholas has been talking more and more about becoming a doctor. Keagan had a drs appointment with him tonight. He loves to use his dr kit and talk about all of his "dr tools" So cute!!

Keagan was wild and crazy as usual tonight. I just can't get enough of his baby giggles. LOVE the dimples!

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't look at my boys and thank God for my little miracles!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Winter Fun

The boys had the best time playing outside today. I missed Aaron, but since he is not able to regulate his body temp it was too cold for him today. Maybe tomorrow will be warmer because he loves the sled! Nicholas and Keagan threw snowballs and tried to make a snowman. They ran around so much Keagan asked to go to bed at 6:50 pm and fell right to sleep. They are so excited to go back out tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Nicholas has his Winterfest tomorrow night and I volunteered to make cookies. I hunted for a good sugar cookie recipe and tried several out. I finally settled on one and they passed the Keagan test. I cut them out in the shape of mittens and made my first attempt at using royal icing. After several practice cookies I finally got the hang of it. I LOVE royal icing. I can't wait to start decorating cookies for birthdays and the holidays.

I can't wait to see Nick's Winterfest program. They made their own costumes and are singing a few songs. Afterwards we get to go back to his classroom for some activities and cookies.                                           

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Academic Excellence

Nicholas received his first certificate since starting kindergarten.  He got an award for academic excellence for the first semester. He was so proud of himself. He said "I hope it helps me be a scientific doctor. You know the one that does scientific stuff. I want to learn all of that stuff" He has wanted to be a doctor for as long as I can remember. He also informed me that he is going to have his Spiderman suit in the closet just in case someone needs help while he is being a doctor. Too cute! He loves doing experiments and is currently learning about the heart. He has a model of the human heart and other organs. He now says he needs a life size skeleton so he can learn all of the bones. I am looking forward to working on school science projects with Nick.
the future Dr. Nicholas Fitch

Monday, January 16, 2012

Pizza Nut

Keagan could hardly contain himself today. He was so excited to go to "Pizza Nut" with his grandma and grandpa. He woke up asking how much longer until dinner. He is so cute. He had his dinner all planned by the time he finished his breakfast. He was going to eat lots of pizza, the small pieces not the big ones. He was also going to drink pop with a straw, eat fish crackers, jello and maybe pudding. He was ready way before they came to get him. And by ready I mean hat, coat and gloves! He kept saying "I not want to be late"  Too cute.
getting ready for pizza

Keagan had the best time. He was so good and ate a ton of food. He had 1.5 pieces of BBQ chicken pizza, 1.5 pieces of chesse pizza, 2 helpings of jello, applesauce, fish crackers and 6 cinnamon twists and a sprite to wash it all down.

after dinner..what a messy face!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Snow Day

Today was Nick's first snow day. He was so excited to learn that school had been cancelled. He ran around the house trying to figure out what to play with first. He finally settled on his 3DS. For only being able to play it on the weekends he has become very good at the games.
We spent the day watching movies and snuggling on the couch. We even stayed in our pajamas. I love spending the day with all my boys.
Today Aaron walked down the couch without being asked. He is going to take off any day now!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hard Work

What a great day. The boys worked so hard with all of their therapy today. Keagan is doing so well sitting and working on his worksheets. He flew through all of his speech activities this morning and even asked to do them again! He is doing so well and we are currently working on his "s" blends. His speech will be evaluated in the next few weeks and he will most likely be discharged from therapy! He has worked so hard. Great job Keagan!!

Aaron wants to walk so bad. He is pulling himself up on everyone and everything. He has started this "turbo" crawl and it is adorable. He really gets his legs moving and his head bobbing. Those curls go everywhere! Aaron has comne so far just in the past few months. He is able to manuever his way around the entire house with ease. He loves to play in the kitchen (he likes the feel of the tile and the sound when he hits the floor) and has been trying to open the cabinets.
We are missing his stander but he is doing wonderful in his gait trainer. I know that he is going to be walking soon and I can't wait to see the look on his face when he takes off! He works so hard all day everyday!

Nicholas is doing so well in school. He got his report card and we couldnt be more proud of all his hard work. He is doing well above what is expected and all of his scores were perfect. He looks absolutley adorable sitting at the table doing his homework! He loves school and can't wait to get to the bus stop every morning.

This year is going so fast. I can't believe that Nicholas will be in the First Grade next year. In another year all of my boys will be in school. I don't even want to think about that!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Nicholas Matthew

January 7, 2012

Nicholas went to his sceond birthday party since starting kindergarten. He had the best time running around Chuck E Cheese with his friends.

I can't believe that my little boy is 6 years old and in school. Time is flying by. He looks like such a big kid getting on the bus every morning. 

                                                           your first day of school

Nicholas you are my first little boy. You are the funniest little kid I know. You surprise me with your questions and amaze me with your vocabulary. You take everything in and miss nothing. Your interests are not typical of a 6 year old. What 6 year old is more interested in learning than playing with toys. You would much rather have a book about space or the human heart than anything else.
You are such a great big brother and are always making sure that Aaron has his favorite toys within reach. One of the funniest things you have said is that you were thankful that Aaron was blind because you always wanted a blind person in your family. When Aaron first came home you would walk around the house with your eyes closed. When I asked you what you were doing you said "don't worry mom I am just practicing being blind".
You are such a sweet boy. You have been through a lot of changes in the last two years. You were my only little boy and my whole world revolved around you. Then in the span of 3 short months you went to being the big brother of 2. You have embraced being a big brother and sharing your mommy with your brothers. I am so proud of you! You taught me to love more deeply and to be silly. We laugh all the time. I am so lucky to be your mommy and I have loved every minute. I can't wait to see all that you do this year. I love you!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Aaron Elijah

January 6, 2012

Aaron you amaze me everyday. You, my precious boy have come so far since you joined us.

 We were told that you would never be able to do anything. Not sit up, roll over, learn or even communicate with us. You are truly a miracle. I knew when I first saw your picture that you were a special little boy. I saw all of your potential and knew you would learn so many new things. Not only can you sit up and roll over, you are pulling yourself up on the furniture and taking steps when I hold your hand. You are saying words such as dada, daddy, down, yeah and trying so hard to say mommy. You can shake your head yes and no when asked questions. You know a lot of signs and you are able to communicate all your needs and wants. You know body parts and are able to follow simple commands. I love your sense of humor and you know when you are being funny because you start to giggle. You interact with those around you and love "finding" the boys.
Aaron you are my snuggler. You love to give hugs and kisses, to be held and rocked. I have learned so much from you. You never give up and you work so hard everyday to do things we all take for granted. You have experienced things that no child should ever have to deal with.  You are loved so much by everyone that takes the time to get to know you and they are amazed by you.  I love you my sweet boy and I can't wait to see what you are going to learn to do next.

love you!
your 4th birthday

working hard in your stander

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Taevon Isaiah

January 5, 2012

Taevon is our newest addition to the family. I feel so lucky to be blessed with another little miracle. We are hoping that he will be home by the end of next month. He is 4 years old and absolutely adorable. I have not held my little boy since July and I miss him so much. He has the cutest smile and he melted my heart the first time I held him.
such a sweet boy

I can't wait to see all the things he is going to learn to do. He has overcome so many obstacles and he has so much potential. I think he is at the point where Aaron was when he first came home. It takes  a lot of love and hard work but it is so worth it. I would not change one thing about my busy schedule. Just seeing the smile on their faces when they learn to do something new is all I need.  Since most of Taevon's needs are physical I know he is going to make great progress once he comes home. I know there will be some limitations that he won't be able to overcome such as the left side paralysis, but there is still so much he can learn to do. I also know that it is going to involve a lot of energy getting him the things he needs to succeed but I am ready for the challenge. He deserves the best and he is such a special little boy.

I love you and I can't wait for you to come home!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Keagan Andrew

January 4, 2012

                                                               My second miracle
 My little Keagan you are such a blessing . You have been a part of this family for over two years and we finalized your adoption a year ago today. Happy Gotcha Day Keagan!! You with your adorable dimples melt my heart every time you ask "can I dit a hug n a tiss" You have taught me to try until I get it right. You have such determination and are fearless. You will try anything at least once. You my sweet sweet boy are a ball of energy and you keep me moving. You are such a good big brother and are always asking when Taevon will be home to play with you. My favorite things you say when caught doing something are "I not not sure" and "I not not know" You are so cute. I can't wait to see all of the new things you are going to accomplish this year. I am so lucky to be your mommy. I love you!