Sunday, March 16, 2014

learning new things

Sunday March 16, 2014

Aaron is such a special little boy. He has been through a lot in his short life. He has taught me so many things. When he was diagnosed with Lennox Gastuast Syndrome I feared the worst. I researched and read everything I could find on this debilitating disease. I let fear take over. I lost sight of all that he had accomplished despite what the Drs told me. I envisioned all that he had gained lost forever. I mourned the little boy he was and prepared myself for what was to come. I am still waiting....

Aaron has once again proved everyone wrong. We are seeing NO effects of this awful disease. He has not lost his communication, in fact he is gaining in this area. He is using his words more and even learning new sounds. Since his diagnosis 19 months ago he has learned to say "mama" and has his own words for many things. He shakes his head yes or no and will say "Ya" for yes. He is so opinionated.

He did lose some gross motor skills but he is now crawling again and working hard in therapy. Since he is now losing some weight he has been moving around a lot easier. He had gained so much weight so fast with his G tube that he quit moving around. It is great to see him up in a gait trainer.

Cognitively he is moving ahead leaps and bounds. He is more aware of things than ever before. He now enjoys TV. This is major. This is something brand new. Before he did not care what was on TV or if it was even on. At times he would become over stimulated with the noise and cry. Now he picks what he wants to watch. He LOVES Disney JR!! Mickey, Jake, Sophia and Doc Mcstuffins are his favorites. If we ask him what he wants to watch and start to list his shows he will say "ya" when we say the right one. He also knows if that is the one we are turning on. I accidentally turned on the wrong show and he started screaming until I changed it to the right show. He also interacts with the shows. When Mickey asks  "Do you want to come inside my clubhouse?" Aaron yells "Ya". It is amazing.  He also answers Jake about being in his pirate gang.
He also interacts so much more with all of us. He and Nick have such a special bond. It is so sweet to watch them together. Nick is such a great big brother. He likes to play Plants vs Zombies with Aaron. When he asks Aaron if he wants to help him catch Zombies Aaron gets so excited. He yells "Ya" Seeing his face light up as Nick talks to him and seeing Nicks face at Aaron's response is precious.

He  is truly a miracle and God is doing amazing things in his life. I cant wait to see all that he will learn. I am enjoying every second I get to spend with this amazing little boy. I am no longer mourning what once was but am waiting to see what is to come.

catching zombies with Nick

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