Monday, August 5, 2013

big steps

Saturday August 3, 2013

Aaron is doing so much better. At 6am respiratory turned his oxygen down to 7 liters at 45% and he did well. Dr S came and saw him this morning. He said he would like to see the low grade fever go away. He wants him to start sitting up more to see if it helps with his oxygen levels.

9am respiratory decreased his oxygen to 6 liters at 40%. He tolerated it well. His temp was 98.8

12:30pm temp was 97.8

2pm respiratory decreased his oxygen to 5 liters @ 35%. He did fine.

5pm temp 99.1 oxygen decreased to 5 liters @ 25% still tolerating it well

8pm Aaron was changed to wall air. I was so nervous. He had so many problems changing from high flow to wall air in March, but he did great. He is on 1 liter.

He has been very alert today and back to himself. He is moving around in the bed and wanting to sit up more and for longer periods of time. He had a temp earlier today but has been fever free ever since. He found the buttons on his bed. He was so excited because he loves it when the nurses move his bed up and down. He would push them and laugh. He is adorable!

11:30 pm temp 97.8 and the nurse changed his oxygen to 1/2 liter. He is still tolerating it well. We are FINALLY heading in the right direction.  He s such a fighter.

1:30am breathing treatment. Afterwards I was covering him up and noticed his blanket was wet. I checked his diaper and it was dry. It was his feeding tube. He had pulled it out and was soaked. I am so glad that he woke up during the treatment or I wouldn't have noticed his tube was out. That would have caused another issue.


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