Saturday, August 3, 2013

respiratory distress

Monday July 29, 2013

Aaron continues to struggle. His sats continue to go up and down. He has started to cough and it sounds awful. His heart rate is very high and he is now retracting. His temp is 99.9. His monitor reads APNEA numerous times. I feel so helpless and there is nothing I can do to make it better for him. I talk to the nurse about my concerns and she assures me that everything is fine. She states his pulse ox is just not reading well and that his high heart rate is likely from the seizures. I am NOT convinced. I know something is not right. They decide to go ahead and move him down to the peds floor. I am worried but nobody seems to be listening.

Dr K comes to see him and Aaron has an ear infection. He is started on an antibiotic.

Once on the peds floor he is doing the same. His heart rate is very high, and his sats are dropping and slow to come up. Then they drop and remain low. Thank goodness for my wonderful nurses on the peds floor. She call the Dr and a respiratory therapist. His sats are 79 he is in respiratory distress.

The respiratory therapist arrives and gives him an albuterol treatment. His sats go up a little. She states she cant get them any higher so she needs to go get a mask. She leaves. I look up and there is a group of respiratory therapist coming into the room. They try different masks, turning up his oxygen, calling for a chest xray. They tell me it is time to go back up to the PICU and that they will be putting him on CPAP. She deep suctions him and his sats come to 89/90. His chest xray is negative. They decide to keep him on the peds floor. They put him on a high flow cannula with humidified air. 10 liters at 100 %. He will get breathing treatments every 4 hours.

I knew something was wrong. I spend the rest of the night watching the monitors and praying.

                                                           in the PICU

sleeping after all that

his high flow humidified air machine


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