Saturday, January 2, 2016

emergency surgery

September 2015

Nicholas woke up this morning saying he wasn't feeling well. He spit up a little blood and I gave him a popsicle. He said it stopped and he went to sleep. Taevon's PT was here and he was working in the gait trainer. Nicholas came downstairs and said he was spitting up blood again. I gave him another popsicle and said I would call the nurse in a few minutes. The PT left about 5 minutes later. I was on the phone with the nurse when Nicholas said he threw up. I went to the bathroom and it was covered in blood. The sink, counter, shower and floor was completely covered in blood. The nurse asked how much and when I told her it was all over she calmly said "you need to put him in the car and get here you understand what I am saying?" We left right then. By the time we got out to Lutheran he was feeling dizzy and just wanted to sleep. They took him right back to surgery. The dr came out and said "wow..he really had a pumper on the left side" He said he had thrown up more blood in the OR and they cleaned the rest of the blood out of his stomach. He was in recovery for awhile because he had lost so much blood. He looked so pale. He slept the rest of the day and night when we got home. He is the sweetest tlittle boy. He apologized for making the bathroom "look like a crime scene" I love this boy.

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